

Python is a programming language supported by a huge and strong community with a fast learning curve and a lot of resources. Python is an open source so there are a lot of documentation and libraries for various topics.

From the oficial webpage  you can download the version you need and the plataform you are operating. For this blog, I will use Python 3.5.2 for Windows 7.

When is downloaded, we proceed to installing executing the installer. This will show us the wizard.
At the bottom of the wizard  we select «Add to PATH»,this will create an enviroment variable so we can use python in the CMD.

Finally, we just wait for fnishing the installation.


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Mauricio Muñoz
Hola, soy Mauricio, ingeniero industrial me gustan las matemáticas, la producción eficiente y la inteligencia computacional. Con pasión por la mejora de los procesos de producción, el idioma Japonés y el desarrollo de energía limpia.