
Introduction: organisations, manufacturing-servution and technology

The world industry is a vast terrain where humans develops his primary instincts. Each manufacturing deals with conditions relate to our ancestors history; war in marketing, leading a group of persons through victory etc. However, this contests make us more "LEAN", brushing our actions and, thus, improving our performance. This conditions of market has developed a huge amount of tools, philosophies and techniques that help an organisation to achieve goals, decrease costs, increase profitability, in other words, be competitive. Quality management, six-sigma, Lean, Kaizen are a set of elements that push the companies to perform as, ideally, is needed. This, "stresses" conducts to push people to improve even his daily lifes (when philosophies like Lean are well conducted) Probably, most of the organisations (speaking only in Colombian case), aren't even implementing a basic quality management, maybe it's because will take to much time or is difficult and wh

Inventory products: classification with Neural Networks and Logistic Regression

Introduction This project aims to develop a classification system for a set of products of an organization. The data comprise a csv file, with 198,917 articles with 13 attributes as shown in figure 1. Figura 1. Some attributes can be understood by its name however I will explain the following as clarification: SKU_number: Unique identifier of the product. Order: Order Order SoldFlag: Boolean attribute if it has been sold during the previous 6 months (1 = True, 0 = False). MarketingType = Type of segment to which the product is directed (D or S). New_Release_Flag = Products that might have a new release (if New_Release_Flag> = 1). The attribute ' StrengthFactor ' does not have a clear meaning for the organization, so it is omitted for this study. Also, the factors: Order , SoldCount , ReleaseYear and FileType are omitted. When cleaning these attributes of the initial data a table is obtained as shown in figure 2: Figura 2. The objective of this sys
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Mauricio Muñoz
Hola, soy Mauricio, ingeniero industrial me gustan las matemáticas, la producción eficiente y la inteligencia computacional. Con pasión por la mejora de los procesos de producción, el idioma Japonés y el desarrollo de energía limpia.